Tata Motors on Tuesday rolled out the 1,00,000th unit of its hatchback Altroz, from the company's manufacturing facility at Pune.
The city-headquartered vehicle maker had commenced Altroz production at the fag-end of November 2019. It launched the vehicle in January 2020.
The first vehicle model built on the ALFA (Agile Light Flexible Advanced) architecture, the Altroz, has acquired the top 2nd position in the premium hatchback category in the current fiscal, with more than 20 per cent share with an average monthly sale of around 6,000 units in FY22, Tata Motors said in a release.
Moreover, the car clocked its maximum sales of 7,550 units in March this year, it added.
"We have crossed a major milestone, rolling out the 1,00,000th unit, during these challenging times and are grateful for the constant support and loyalty of our customers and partners.
"The Altroz occupies a pride of place in our New Forever range offering a wide variety of options in the premium hatchback segment,"